From pregnancy and prostate enlargement to anxiety, there are many different reasons why it can become harder to control your bladder.
For some people, an overactive bladder leads to mere inconvenience, while for others it may lead to accidents.
Regardless, it can be an intrusive issue, undermining your quality of life by taking up way too much of your attention. But what can you do to strengthen an overactive bladder? Is it possible to improve your situation without medication?
By using suggestions and tapping into your imagination, hypnosis can help you learn how to stop frequent urination naturally. After taking a look at why and how bladder control is lost, we'll explain how this form of hypnosis can change your life.
How Common Is Loss Of Bladder Control?
Meanwhile, for men, even benign conditions that enlarge the prostate in later life can lead to bladder problems.
In general, however, anything that causes the following can lead to your bladder malfunctioning:
- Weak bladder muscles
- Damaged bladder nerves
- Being overweight or obese
- Blockages somewhere near the bladder
- Overactive bladder muscles.
In addition, there's a psychosomatic dimension for some. In other words, one of your responses to stress or anxiety might be to focus on your bladder, leading to an increased need to urinate.
Is It Possible To Strengthen An Overactive Bladder Using Mind Power?
In any such cases, you might have found yourself feeling hopeless, planning your days around when you'll be able to take restroom breaks.
However, the good news is that it's possible to naturally lengthen your time between urination episodes just by using a self-hypnosis break.
This might sound implausible at first, but hypnosis has proven effective for a wide range of conditions that revolve around controlling the body and mind.
As such, it can help to tap into the psychological dimension of bladder control, distracting your attention from your bladder and helping you to believe that bladder-strengthening is possible.
Let's dig into the details of how such hypnosis works, and the evidence for its efficacy.
Peeing A Lot? Understand How To Stop Frequent Urination Naturally
Self-hypnosis for bladder control involves leading you into a highly relaxed state and then helping you to change your thoughts and feelings around urination.
Some such hypnosis treatments will also involve using your imagination to strengthen your belief in your own ability to control your bladder.
You may additionally develop affirmations that support positive change - in other words, affirming details that help you to recreate the mental state that you reached during the hypnosis exercise.
Further, there are even some studies that suggest hypnosis allows you to control other's unconscious bodily processes related to the cells, nerves, and muscles.
If further research supports this preliminary evidence, this could help to explain why self-hypnosis is so effective for bladder control.
Scientific Results Of Using Hypnosis For Overactive Bladder Control
However, self-hypnosis for bladder control is an increasingly evidence-based treatment.
For example, one study published in a journal on female reproductive health found that hypnotherapy improved the symptoms of participants who were classed as having active bladders.
Indeed, while behavioral therapy was also effective, hypnotherapy was more so - especially when combined with behavioral exercises.
This suggests that hypnotherapy can go a long way toward helping you with bladder control, especially if you're also willing to try proactive exercises that aim to "train" your body to go for longer periods without urinating.
How To Hypnotize Yourself For Better Bladder Control
So, if you worry that you might lose bladder control, hypnosis can reprogram your mind to help you enhance self-control. Now, let's go through the steps required to try self-hypnosis at home.
If it feels effective, you might want to investigate self-hypnosis recordings that can help guide you into an even deeper state of relaxation.
Get Into A Relaxed State Of Mind
What you're aiming to create is a state very similar to that achieved during mindfulness.
In other words, your body and mind should both be extremely relaxed, and thoughts should only be fleeted distractions that never truly attract your focus.
To get yourself into the trance state, you might count back from a particular number, focus on an image of climbing a winding staircase.
If you know of any particularly relaxing instrumental music or ambient noise, this can also guide your mind into a more receptive state.
If you struggle to get into a suitably relaxed frame of mind, you may find it easier to do hypnosis exercises with an in-person hypnotherapist or using a pre-recorded self-hypnosis track.
Tap Into Your Imagination
What you will do at this point is to build an image of how you want to be.
This is very similar to a technique that athletes use to enhance their performance, as they visualize themselves successfully performing their discipline.
So, for bladder control, what you need to do is imagine a life where restroom breaks don't control your life. Picture yourself as happy, relaxed, physically comfortable, and entirely in control of when and how you'll use the bathroom.
Visualization works best if you engage all of your senses, so try to think about every aspect of this ideal life.
However, the physical sensation should be at the center of the mental image - the sensation of having a comfortable, largely unnoticeable bladder that no longer causes embarrassment or inconvenience.
Allow The Use Of Indirect Suggestions
For bladder control, the sorts of suggestions you might use include "I am free to decide when to use the restroom", "my bladder feels comfortable and in control", and (most simply of all) "I do not need to urinate right now."
General affirmations about the mastery you have over your own life can also support your goal (such as "I am in control of my body, and my body is healthy").
If self-hypnosis is unfamiliar to you, it's likely that you're still wondering exactly why mental images and recited sentences can make a difference to your bladder control.
The key thing to remember is that hypnotherapy is capable of accessing the subconscious mind, which has a more direct influence on your bodily functions and anxieties.
The Benefits Of Using Hypnosis For Bladder Control
You'll find you don't need to urinate as often, and that your bladder can hold more without becoming uncomfortable. This can open up a whole world of new experiences for you.
For example, in the past, you may have worried about going on county walks or visiting other areas without restrooms. You may also have felt self-conscious slipping out of parties every 20-30 minutes, and you may have had disturbed sleep.
With all of these changes comes a happier, more confident way of living. By helping you with bladder control, self-hypnosis removes one source of anxiety from your day.
It's also important to be aware that all forms of hypnotherapy can boost well-being. Those who try it frequently notice that they are less stressed, better equipped to deal with challenges, and enjoy a more restful sleep.
One self-hypnosis journey can be an inspiration to try hypnosis for a wide range of areas of personal development. You will feel empowered by just how much power you're able to exert over your mind and body.
Learn More About Our ‘Control Overactive Bladder’ Hypnosis
Why not try our bladder control hypnosis program today?
We'll guide you into a deep hypnotic trance with ease, help you visualize, and supply you with all the suggestions your mind needs to take on in order to better control your bladder.