Overcome Fear Of Driving Over Bridges Hypnosis

Overcome Fear Of Driving Over Bridges Hypnosis

This self-hypnosis can help you to overcome your fear of driving over bridges. Gephyrophobia can be caused by claustrophobia or a fear of heights. This hypnosis may change your fundamental belief that you are in grave danger when you are driving over a bridge. Keep reading to learn how this hypnosis works and how it can help you to drive over a bridge without feeling fear.

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Self-Hypnosis For Bridge Phobia

Does your fear of bridges confines you to one place or do you have to plan extensively to avoid bridges? Are you afraid of driving over large bodies of water or high or narrow bridges? Are you prone to panic attacks? Would you enjoy traveling and exploring new places if it wasn’t for your gephyrophobia? This hypnosis can serve as a fear of driving over bridges cure.

Fear of driving over bridges, otherwise known as gephyrophobia is a common occurrence among travelers. If you have a fear of heights, narrow tunnels, or water, it can lead to a fear of bridges. People who are more prone to anxiety or panic attacks can also try to avoid bridges or experience shortness of breath when driving over a bridge.

In your past, you may have observed or experienced things that manifested the belief that bridges are dangerous. You may have started to feel ill while sitting in a traffic jam on a bridge or you may have seen a bridge collapse in a movie. Even if you do not remember these events, the memories of them are still present in your subconscious mind where they have an influence on your emotions and behavior.

This hypnosis attempts to address these subliminal emotions and fears that you have about driving over bridges and replace them with positive affirmations to keep you calm and relaxed when you are traveling, driving through a tunnel or over a bridge.

As You Relax And Listen Repeatedly To This Overcome Fear Of Driving Over Bridges Hypnosis Download, You’ll Notice That:

  • The belief that driving over a bridge is dangerous is starting to fade
  • You stop associating driving over bridges with panic and anxiety
  • You start looking forward to traveling and visiting new places
  • When you are driving over a bridge, you are relaxed and composed

Take a moment to imagine yourself being able to drive over a bridge without experiencing any anxiety, panic attacks or fear. This hypnosis is specifically developed to help you overcome your fear of driving over bridges. Below are different programs that you can choose from to help you live a life where you are free to go wherever you want to without limiting yourself to roads without bridges.

What Do Customers Say About This Overcome Fear Of Driving Over Bridges Hypnosis

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- Ben D'Silva, Hypnotherapist and Counsellor, Mumbai, India
"Steve G. Jones' hypnosis tracks have been extremely beneficial to me because I was unable to get to the root of the problem through any other method. He is a wonderful hypnotherapist and I highly recommend him!"
- Sondra Ray, Author, Founder of the Loving Relationship Training
"I am a practicing Hypnotherapist and Health & Wellbeing Coach. I have purchased many of your products and recommend them to my clients. I have found them to be of the finest quality in both content and standard of production."
- David Wade
"I have followed Dr. Steve G. Jones for over a year. His recordings have changed my life. They have empowered me to live a better life and have helped me renew my spirituality as well as given me tools to understand people and deal with them effectively. My stress level is down to a minimum, he is a godsend. His integrity and the love he puts into his work shows. I highly recommend his work, it is truly inspiring!"
- Heidi Rockwell, Twentynine Palms, California
"His prices are very affordable, making the wealth of information he provides available to just about anyone that's ready to implement his methods to induce positive changes."
- Annelies Teulings, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"I've been using Dr. Steve G Jones' products for some time, and there is a perceptible change in the way I deal with people and situations now."
- Muhammed, India
"I would highly recommend you and your site to anyone who is fed up with the way things are now, this minute, and want to open a new door to a new path. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
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- Katie Thomas, Santa Monica, CA
"You really over-deliver on your hypnosis tracks and should be charging double the price! For unlimited use of this hypnosis from someone who is a world leading authority on clinical hypnotherapy at less than a quarter of the price of one live session, means ordering several of these tracks in a no-brainer. Thanks Steve."
- Sam B, UK
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Learn How To Get Past Your Fear Of Driving Over Bridges

To get past your fear of driving over bridges, it is important to know how this phobia originated and why it has an influence on your behavior. You have a conscious mind as well as a subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is concerned with everything inside your awareness. You absorb information with your senses, and your conscious mind analyzes and interprets this information to come to a conclusion. These findings are then stored in the form of beliefs in your subconscious mind where they form part of your subliminal frame of mind and influence your autonomous behavior. In your past, you received information and came to the conclusion that driving over a bridge is dangerous. This conclusion formed part of your personal belief system, and this is what is causing gephyrophobia.

When you listen to the hypnosis, the goal is to pinpoint this negative, unrealistic view and replace it with a positive, realistic understanding. This is done by inducing a hypnotic state, temporarily suspending your conscious mind and making your subconscious mind more receptive to hypnotic suggestions. It is these positive suggestions that may replace your negative fears and help you learn to overcome your fear of driving over a bridge.

How To Conquer Gephyrophobia With Hypnotherapy

Conquering gephyrophobia with Hypnotherapy can be an incredibly relaxing and pleasant experience. The self-hypnosis consists of a downloadable recording that you can listen to at any time or place that you are comfortable and undisturbed. When you listen to this hypnosis, it gives you a set of instructions to induce a hypnotic state, an altered state of mind that is similar to sleep and that will help you to reach a profound state of relaxation. During this state of mind, your brain’s alpha wave activity increases and your subconscious mind becomes more open to hypnotic suggestions.

To get the most out of this hypnotherapy, try to be confident in the hypnosis and try to listen to it at a time when you are comfortable, undisturbed and able to give your full attention. When you do not see immediate results, remember that people react differently to hypnosis and that you may have to listen to it multiple times. This hypnosis is a natural and safe method to help you beat your fear of driving over a bridge.

Start The Process Of Overcoming Your Gephyrophobia Today

Listen to this hypnosis every day as part of your daily routine. If you have a fear of driving over a bridge, this hypnosis can help you overcome your fear and enjoy your everyday commute or holiday travels.

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