Master Speed Reading Hypnosis

Master Speed Reading Hypnosis

This hypnosis to improve reading speed can help you to read and comprehend text quickly and without effort. Being able to read comfortably can bring about a love for reading as a way to relax or to learn new things. Keep reading to find out how hypnosis works and how it can condition your subconscious mind to focus on the message of the text you are reading instead of forming the words in your min

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Self-Hypnosis To Increase Your Reading Speed

Do you struggle to read? Does the saccadic movement of your eyes slow you down and make you lose your place? Do you have to read a piece of text multiple times to comprehend what you are reading? Do you struggle to control your reading pace? Do you have to vocalize the words you are reading and is it slowing your reading down? This hypnosis can help to increase your reading speed by tapping into your subliminal ability to read actively without fixations, rereading, or losing your place.

Being able to read with speed is an important ability that you need in everyday life. Many people believe that they lack reading skills and they read-only when they have to. When they read, their attention is focused on forming the words in their heads and not on comprehension. When you read, the objective is to learn something new with your conscious mind.

The action of reading is conducted by your subconscious mind, just like driving a car or counting to ten. When you believe that you are not able to read well, your subconscious mind may adopt this belief and block your ability to read. Teh fcat taht smoe peolpe cna raed tihs snetacne without concentrating proves that reading is a subliminal action and that your subconscious mind recognizes the appearance of words and not their spelling. This self-hypnosis can help you unlock your subconscious ability to read with speed by changing your beliefs about yourself and by making use of relaxation and visualization techniques.

As You Relax And Listen Repeatedly To This Master Speed Reading Hypnosis Download, You’ll Notice That:

  • You are using your eyes’ jumping movements as a tool to read faster
  • You can read without vocalizing or subvocalizing the words
  • You can read actively and focus on the message and not on reading
  • Because you read faster, you like reading, and you read more every day

When your reading speed picks up, you may find that reading becomes relaxing and rewarding. Straining yourself to form the words in your mind may be something of the past, and you will want to read everything you can get your hands on. Below are different options that you can choose to help you read with ease.

What Do Customers Say About This Master Speed Reading Hypnosis

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- Alaleh Saidi, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
"Steve G. Jones' hypnosis tracks have been extremely beneficial to me because I was unable to get to the root of the problem through any other method. He is a wonderful hypnotherapist and I highly recommend him!"
- Sondra Ray, Author, Founder of the Loving Relationship Training
"I have been lucky enough to be able to listen to Steve Jones' recordings for about 7 or 8 years. I have always believed in hypnosis and have found these recordings to be effective and very useful. I just listen and notice the change."
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"Dr. Steve G. Jones and his programs have transformed my life by teaching me how to have power over the subconscious beliefs that have held me back in my life. His hypnosis tracks bring about rapid change. I highly recommend his work."
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- Nancy Branconnier, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
"I am thankful for the work of Dr. Steve G. Jones and for the power to intentionally and deliberately implement his work into my practice and daily life."
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- Barb May
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Learn How To Read Faster And Understand

There are many things that you can do to learn to read faster. Controlling your reading speed is important to comprehend and to remember what you read. You can also use your finger or a pen as a pointer to control your eyes’ saccadic movements. Always try to read without vocalizing the words, as this may slow you down as well. Try to read every day to practice reading with speed.

This hypnosis is also a very effective method to control your reading speed. Reading is one of your subliminal or default actions, but if you are trying to read cognitively, this may slow you down as well. When you listen to this hypnotherapy download, it will give you simple instructions to induce a hypnotic state. During this state, your conscious mind is temporarily bypassed, and your conscious mind is addressed directly to be more receptive to positive hypnotic suggestions. These suggestions attempt to change your beliefs and to tap into your ability to read with speed while comprehending what you are reading.

The hypnosis also makes use of various relaxation and visualization methods to increase your reading speed. Visualization means that you imagine yourself reading faster and understand what you are reading until you reach the point where your subjective reality is changed, and your mind accepts and adopts the mental scenario as fact.

How To Increase Reading Speed And Comprehension

Increasing your reading speed can be easy and well within your reach. This self-hypnosis consists of a downloadable audio recording that you can listen to in the comfort and privacy of your home. By simply listening to the recording you may find that your default behavior, in this case, the flow of your reading, changes as the hypnosis reprograms your subconscious mind.

When you are in an altered or hypnotic state of mind, you will be awake and in full control of your mind and body. You will also be able to stop the therapy at any time you like. This Hypnosis is completely natural and safe. If you do not see immediate results, remember that people react differently to hypnotherapy and you may have to listen to the recording multiple time to start seeing results.

Hypnotherapy has helped many people overcome difficulties with reading and their ability to absorb information, and it can help you too.

Start The Process Of Increasing Your Reading Speed Today

Listen to this hypnotherapy recording every day as part of your daily routine and try to give your full and undivided attention to the hypnosis. If you want to be able to read comfortably and without any effort, this hypnosis may be just the thing for you!

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