Manage OCD Hypnosis

Manage OCD Hypnosis

This hypnosis can help you to break the cycle of obsessions and compulsions. If you experience emotions or thought time and time again that feel out of your control, and that causes you extreme anxiety and then exhibit repetitive behavior to neutralize or alleviate these negative thoughts or fears, you may be suffering from OCD. Keep reading to learn how this hypnosis can help you.

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Self-Hypnosis For Overcoming OCD

Do you consistently experience thoughts or emotions that disturb you? Does certain images or impulses make you feel as if you do not have any control or extremely anxious? Do you attempt to counteract these fears by exhibiting repetitive behavior or performing some form of ritual? Do you believe that you feel these negative emotions for a reason and that your emotions will not lie to you? This hypnosis can help you to find the cause of your fears and attempt to alleviate your OCD.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder consists of two parts, obsession and compulsion. Obsessions are impulses that make you feel as you do not have control and that gives you anxiety. These impulses can be images, situations or thoughts like untidy bookshelves, constant thoughts of being ill, stepping on tile grout or fear of contamination. Compulsion is repetitive behavior that you exhibit in an attempt to make your obsession go away like washing your hands three times in a row, repeating body movements or words or asking the same thing over and over again to the same person.

Context is important when diagnosing yourself with OCD. Asking the same question over and over again is not compulsive behavior if you are a police interrogator and rearranging books all day long is normal when you are a librarian. OCD is caused by beliefs in your subconscious mind. If you were severely punished as a child for having an untidy bedroom, your brain might have made the connection between untidiness and pain and cause subliminal anxiety. Hypnosis attempts to address your subconscious mind directly and remove this connection by making use of various relaxation and visualization methods.

As You Relax And Listen Repeatedly To This Manage OCD Hypnosis Download, You’ll Notice That:

  • Certain impulses or images does not cause your anxiety or fear anymore
  • When you experience anxiety, you do not feel compelled to act in a certain way
  • You are becoming more relaxed and tolerant towards certain situations
  • You know why you are obsessed with some things and your OCD fades

When you can manage your OCD, you may find that your life becomes more relaxing and you are more productive. You may stop fixating and certain things, and you will realize that your emotions are lying to you. When you experience these thoughts and emotions, it becomes easier to ignore them and move on with your life. Below are different programs that you can choose from to help you overcome your OCD.

What Do Customers Say About This Manage OCD Hypnosis

"OMG. I bought the OCD download and began playing it for my son 20 minutes ago. He just went to bed without washing his hands for two hours! I am absolutely stunned. Steve, our world has been a nightmare since his OCD took over his entire being almost two years ago. He is only 12 years old. I'm sold!"
- Kimrey Blake Levy-Mickelson, Venice, CA
"My appreciation for your work and the positive impact its made on my life is far more than I'm able to write here. However, I've been inspired to live out my dreams and have taken real steps towards its realization in the past few months."
- Leo Konfino, Your Fan, Student & Friend
"WOW! No wonder Steve is the leader in hypnotherapy. How lucky are those who have had the benefit of his genius!"
- Jeraldine Saunders, Creator of the "Love Boat" TV series
"The tracks are excellent and easy to follow. They have allowed me to make changes in my own life and work with others to help them make changes in theirs. I highly recommend Steve's products."
- David Harbour, Austin, Texas
"I'm doing an intense transpersonal therapy and I became very curious about hypnotherapy. You and your work are helping me using my time in a very effective way. You have all my gratitude for all the help you and your work bring to my healing process. Big thanks and hugs!"
- Nancy Branconnier, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
"Steve G. Jones has helped me more in three weeks than I was helped with three YEARS of therapy. Thank you thank you THANK YOU"
- Katie Thomas, Santa Monica, CA
"Dr. Steve products are excellent tools for anyone who wants self-help. His products go exactly to the point where you need help. I deeply recommend!"
- Erika Freitas, USA
"His prices are very affordable, making the wealth of information he provides available to just about anyone that's ready to implement his methods to induce positive changes."
- Annelies Teulings, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"As a fellow hypnotherapist and experienced teacher and trainer, I can recommend anything that comes from Steve. G. Jones' hand. I have acquired many of his products and they are all top value for money."
- Kaj Vardinghus, Brazil
"Hypnosis is an ancestral art, which accesses and uncovers the subconscious mind, in order to understand its process and principles takes time, consistency, and patience. When you have a mentor, such as Dr. Steve G. Jones, that understands and lives those requirements, you're guaranteed success."
- Al Kelbren, Olympic Coach (Women's Gymnastics)
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How To Beat OCD Intrusive Thoughts Without Drugs

When you see things that are out of order or when you have to do certain tasks, you may experience anxiety, fear or lack of control. You may not know why you feel danger or stress, but it can be difficult to ignore your emotions, even if you can’t cognitively figure out why you have them. You may attribute these feelings to a sixth sense or argue that your emotions must be right. The truth is that most of the time your feelings are lying to you because your OCD intrusive thoughts are located in your subconscious mind, and not outside of you.

Your subconscious mind can form these thoughts and fears in different ways. Hypnotherapy is a natural and safe method to pinpoint these beliefs and replace them with positive, realistic affirmations. Changes that occur in your subconscious mind can have an automatic effect on your behavior, making it easier for you to stop an obsessive compulsive behavior. When you are listening to this self-hypnosis, it will give you instructions to induce a hypnotic state, an altered state of mind that suspends your conscious mind and makes your subconscious mind more susceptible to hypnotic suggestions and positive affirmations. Hypnotic suggestions are given to you in the form of visualizations and by making use of relaxation techniques.

Learn How To Treat OCD Naturally

Treating OCD in a natural and organic way is easy with this hypnotherapy. It consists of a downloadable audio recording that you can listen to in the comfort and privacy of your home. When you listen to this self-hypnosis, it will induce a hypnotic state that you may find extremely pleasant and relaxing. During hypnosis, you will always remain in full control of your mind and body, and you will be able to stop the hypnotherapy at any time.

To get the best results, always try to be confident and believe in the hypnosis. If you do not see immediate results, remember that people react differently to hypnosis and you may have to listen to the recording multiple times to get the desired effect. Hypnosis makes use of visualization techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind. This means that you imagine yourself seeing or experiencing triggers without succumbing to your obsessions and compulsions. This may alter your subliminal reality and make it easier to overcome your OCD.

Start The Process Of Managing Your OCD Today

Listen to this hypnotherapy download every day as part of your daily routine. If you are battling with OCD, this self-hypnosis may be just what you need to live a relaxed, uncomplicated and happy life!

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