Developing Extrasensory Perception Hypnosis

Developing Extrasensory Perception Hypnosis

This hypnosis can help you to expand your ability to sense information without using your ordinary senses like touch, smell, sight, taste and hearing. Extrasensory perception can be described as a 6th sense, intuition, prediction, or gut instinct. Keep reading to learn how this hypnotherapy can help you to amplify the faculty of perceiving information without actively sensing it.

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Self-Hypnosis For Developing Extra Sensory Perception

Do you want to be clairvoyant or be able to obtain information in a manner that is beyond normal sensory contact? Do you want to be able to tune out distractions and increase your awareness of data or info that is separated from you by time or distance? This hypnosis for developing extrasensory perception can help you to get in touch with your sixth sense by making use of relaxation and visualization techniques.

Every day you use known sensory processes to become aware of information and to understand what is going on around you. You have a sense of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. Additionally, you can also detect temperature, balance, and pain, amongst others. There are many different categories of external stimuli, and your body is equipped to sense and interpret most of them.

There are, however, information that is not within your sensory grasp that you may be able to obtain with extrasensory perception. This can include phenomena like telepathy, clairvoyance, or precognition. This hypnosis makes use of relaxation, breathing and visualization techniques to help you tap into your subliminal mind and increase your extrasensory focus. When you are listening to the hypnosis download, it suppresses your conscious mind temporarily and increases your brain’s alpha wave activity to help you relax and sense things that are spatially distant from you.

When you can enhance your extrasensory perception, it can help to enhance your gut feeling and intuition. It has many uses like helping in a police investigation, animal whispering, or medical intuition.

As You Relax And Listen Repeatedly To This Developing Extrasensory Perception Hypnosis, You’ll Notice That:

  • You become focused, relaxed and open to extrasensory information
  • You are getting skilled at recognizing and absorbing distant impulses
  • You can spread and expand your consciousness beyond your awareness
  • You trust what you are experiencing in your expanded awareness

When you can tap into mental spaces that are beyond your senses and awareness, you may find that you can do various things that can help you in your life. You may become more intuitive and make more informed decisions. Below, you will find different options that you can choose to help you develop your extrasensory perception.

What Do Customers Say About This Developing Extrasensory Perception Hypnosis

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- Lucy, BC, Canada
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- Marie-Louise Oosthuysen de Gutierrez, Mexico City, Mexico
"Dear Mr Jones, your product not only helped me, but it also gave me a miracle I was hoping for. I could literally feel the energy on your tapes helping me. Thank you!"
- Rose, PA
"I am always referring you to my clients and finding products to recommend to them. All the Dr. Steve G. Jones products are of the highest quality - thoughtful, and professional presented. I am completely impressed with all the Steve G. Jones products that I have purchased."
- Kim Nagle, CH, CI, Creative Hypnosis LLC
"Dr. Steve G. Jones and his programs have transformed my life by teaching me how to have power over the subconscious beliefs that have held me back in my life. His hypnosis tracks bring about rapid change. I highly recommend his work."
- Kay Whipple, Hilton, New York
"Hypnosis is an ancestral art, which accesses and uncovers the subconscious mind, in order to understand its process and principles takes time, consistency, and patience. When you have a mentor, such as Dr. Steve G. Jones, that understands and lives those requirements, you're guaranteed success."
- Al Kelbren, Olympic Coach (Women's Gymnastics)
"I have about 40 of Steve's day and night self-hypnosis audio's, which I load up and play in sequence to get that quick pick me up' I have been using many of Steve's products for over a year."
- Vivian Baxter, Binghamton, NY
"Without Steve, I do not know where I'd be at now, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Highly recommended, the best investment of my time and money ever, one of the most amazing people I've encountered. Thank you, Steve!"
- Tim Cowell, Fittleworth, United Kingdom
"I'm just amazed at the amount we are taught from your tracks and how deeply it influences you. You have taught me meditation techniques. You have taught me reprogramming techniques and the sky's the limit when you drop off bad programming. It is just a privilege to know you. The success at Business Growth Group has a lot to do with you."
- Mike Besson, Former Vice President for Tony Robbins Breakthrough International
"Steve G. Jones' hypnosis tracks have been extremely beneficial to me because I was unable to get to the root of the problem through any other method. He is a wonderful hypnotherapist and I highly recommend him!"
- Sondra Ray, Author, Founder of the Loving Relationship Training
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Discover How To Develop Your ESP Abilities

Identifying and developing your extrasensory perceptions may be easier that you think. This hypnosis is specifically designed to help you relax, focus and intensify experiencing perceptions that are removed from your usual senses. This hypnosis consists of an easily downloadable hypnotherapy recording that you can listen to at a time and place that is perfect for you. As you listen to the hypnotherapy recording, it will give you a set of instructions that may induce a hypnotic state to help you relax deeply and to increase your brain’s alpha wave activity.

In this altered state of mind, your conscious mind and cognitive thoughts may become temporarily inactive to bring your subconscious mind to the foreground and make it more susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. Hypnotic suggestions and the altered state of mind makes use of breathing and relaxation techniques to increase your focus and tune out distractions that may get in the way of increasing your extrasensory perceptions. When your subconscious mind undergoes changes, it may change your default behavior and improve your focus.

When you do not see immediate results, remember that people react differently to hypnotherapy and you may have to listen to the recording multiple times to get the desired effect.

Learn How To Develop Your Sixth Sense To Become An ESPer

Learning to develop your sixth sense and expanding your extrasensory perception is easy with this hypnotherapy recording. By listening to this download at a time and place you can relax and give your full and undivided attention, your subconscious mind may be sufficiently altered or reprogrammed to help you sense things that are away from you or that is still bound to happen.

This self-hypnosis is a safe and natural method to enhance your ESP. A hypnotic state is similar to sleep; the difference being that you will always be able to control your mind and body and you can stop the therapy at any time you like. For best results, try to be completely confident in the hypnotherapy, as confidence can aid in the hypnosis and open your subconscious mind to subliminal suggestions. Try to complete all your duties and responsibilities for the day so that you are unreserved and your mind does not wander. You can even take a hot bath or shower before listening to the download and undergoing the hypnotherapy.

Start The Process Of Enhancing Your Extrasensory Perception Abilities

Listen to this download every day as part of your daily routine. If you want to be able to absorb information that is beyond the grasp of your conventional senses, this hypnosis may be just what you need!

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