Learn How To Overcome Fear In Life And Be Your Best Self

We all struggle with things that scare us. Whether you have specific phobias, generalized anxiety, or just feel uncomfortable stepping out of your comfort zone, it can be distressing and frustrating when fear gets in the way of life. In particular, you're probably aware that you're being held back from all kinds of things.

From new experiences to chances for development, love, and learning, fear keeps you stuck and prevents you from being your best self. But what can you do if you want to stop being controlled by pervasive feelings of fear?

To begin, we'll dig into some of the most important reasons why it's so important to work to overcome fear. Then, we'll explore how you can begin to work through your own fears, starting today.

With time and effort, you can live the exciting life you've always imagined, and become the very best version of yourself.

Why Overcoming Fear Is Beneficial?

As noted at the outset, there's a strong connection between overcoming fear and becoming a better, more fulfilled version of yourself.

For example, people who use overcoming fear hypnosis programs often report that a reduction in fear makes them feel more authentic than ever before. This is likely to be the case in all areas of your life, from work to romance.

In contrast, a life lived in fear commonly breeds regret and resentment, as you are consistently aware of all you could have done and been. It's no coincidence that those who are the most fearful are also often those who experience the lowest levels of self-esteem. 

Let's look in more depth at nature and further ramifications of two common aspects of fear - fear of action, and fear-based thinking. From there, we can move on to help you acquire the tools you need to get over the fear in your own life.

Fear Of Action

Fear of action sometimes stops you from doing what needs to be done, and at other times stops you from exploring the unknown.

An example of the former might be being too afraid to leave your job even though you know it's toxic to your mental health, or being scared to leave a relationship with someone you don't love.

Meanwhile, an example of fear of the unknown might be going to the same local vacation spot every year when, deep down, part of your wants to travel around the world.

However, if fear is holding you back, you likely experience both of these types of fear of action multiple times a day.

What's behind these forms of fear? In all such cases, there's a fundamental fear of living that very often boils down to a fear of failure. In other words, part of you decides it's better to stay stuck and unsatisfied than risk making a mistake.

Fear-Based Thinking

We've established that fear is often associated with a fear of failure, but it's helpful to look at the finer details of fear-based decisions.

Specifically, when you're afraid, your brain stops working as it normally does.

Your body is flooded with adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormone), and you can't reason or make decisions in your usual way.

This helps to explain why later you may look back and think "Why didn't I just take the risk?".

The truth is that you simply weren't in the right frame of mind to do so. It stands to reason, then, that overcoming fear will involve reducing these fear responses that freeze your thinking.

Understanding How To Overcome Fear

At this point, you know that fear of failure undergirds most fear, and you also know that fear puts your brain and body into a state that stops you from thinking normally.

What now? Well, if you're ready to conquer your fears, the good news is that you can start making changes immediately.

The following approaches will help you learn how to deal with fear on three different fronts.

We'll offer examples of how you might use these three techniques in different aspects of your everyday life. All of them are sufficiently general as to be used socially, at work, or on your own.

Learn How To Control Fear

Learning how to control fear is the most powerful thing you can do. This stops fear at its source before it can change how your brain is working and impact on your long-term decisions.

But how do you do this? Firstly, try adding a daily mindfulness practice to your life. Even just 10-15 minutes of deep, focused breathing helps to retrain your brain to respond differently to stress.

Mindfulness can also be a useful go-to tool in episodes of stress, helping to de-escalate your heart rate and cortisol production.

Secondly, you can develop a positive affirmation that you say in times of fear, to help your brain tune back into reality.

Reciting something firm and empowering like "Fear does not control me" or "I am taking control of my life" can help to stop the cycle of negative thoughts.

However, if you really want to permanently change the underlying beliefs that cause your feelings, try hypnosis for fear. Hypnosis is unique in its ability to help you feel completely differently about situations that used to trigger you.

It's particularly good for phobias (such as fear of flying or fear of public speaking), but it can also work wonders for generalized anxiety.

Learn How To Manage Fear With Visualization

Visualization is a technique that harnesses your imagination in order to help you overcome fear. Essentially, it involves building up a vividly detailed picture in your mind's eye.

It's a Law of Attraction exercise often used by people who want to attract something positive into their lives but you can just as easily use it to combat the negative.

Visualization can help you move past fear in a couple of different ways. For one thing, you can use visualization to imagine yourself thriving in a fearful situation.

If you picture yourself giving an amazing speech or having a peaceful plane ride enough times, your brain starts to learn that this thing doesn't need to be feared.

Another way to use visualization is to create a place to retreat when you're scared. Build up an image of a peaceful, wonderful place where you feel safe.

It can be based on a lived experience, a memory of a movie, or just something you've made up. Practice seeing it and inhabiting it, and you know you can go there when you feel overwhelmed by fear or anxiety.

Sometimes, even just knowing this place is always there for you is enough to help calm your nerves.

Learn How To Move Past Fear

The third technique for battling fear involves simply biting the bullet and engaging with things you fear. This can sound impossible, but try working up to bigger things over time.

Every time that you do something you found scary and ultimately survive it, you acquire wonderful new evidence about yourself. You prove that you're brave, you're resilient, and you have the resources to tackle anything life throws at you.

Even if a situation turns out not to be enjoyable or comfortable, getting through it can empower you in a major way.

Part of facing your fears also involves facing their roots. Dare to examine where your fears come from. What did you see, feel, or hear that caused you to become afraid of failure, for example?

Often, this kind of anxiety has its roots in childhood experiences where we didn't feel good enough. If you can find the sources of the things that scare you, you are better equipped to challenge them.

You can argue with these old doubts, and work to replace them with new beliefs. Often, keeping a detailed journal can help you process fears in this systematic way, but talking therapy can be extremely helpful too.

Conquer Your Fears With Self-Hypnosis

As we mentioned above, self-hypnosis is one of the most effective and efficient ways to tackle fear. It can be one of a range of building confidence exercises, or it can be used alone.

Either way, it provides you with a safe, powerful method of reshaping self-limiting parts of your subconscious mind. While you're in a relaxed, receptive state, hypnosis amends your emotions and beliefs in ways you desire.

To clarify, let's think about a few specific cases of how hypnosis for phobias and fears works in practice.

For example, fear of flying is one of the most common focuses of self-hypnosis. Not only a fear of the unknown but also a fear of losing control, it holds so many people back from traveling for work and leisure.

With self-hypnosis, you can learn to associate flying with a positive experience, and even begin to find it relaxing. 

In addition to hypnotherapy for phobias, self-hypnosis recordings can tackle help with you with interpersonal hurdles. Many of us fear intimacy, commitment, and letting someone "see us" in a romantic relationship.

At the bottom, this is once again fear of failure. Hypnotherapy recordings can help you let go of the fear of rejection, and help you embrace the possibility of meaningful connection.

Increase Confidence With Self-Hypnosis To Become A Better You

Of course, most people who feel held back by fear also struggle with self-esteem and confidence more broadly. Do you doubt your worth, find it hard to assert yourself, or engage in negative self-talk?

Daily life doesn't have to be this way, and self-hypnosis for confidence can help you begin to change. Instead of thinking you don't matter, you can begin to see yourself as a valuable contributor to society and as an attractive, charismatic person with something to offer in all areas of life.

Self-hypnosis doesn't turn you into a different person or change you in ways that you wouldn't like - it simply removes barriers standing between you and the person you want to be. 

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